Orsett Heath Academy has high expectations of both pupils and staff.
We will have a culture of high aspiration, expectation and personal success for all our students. This is in order to provide an outstanding learning experience with a safe, well disciplined and caring environment.
In order to achieve the above, we hold the following expectations for key groups:
- Implementing the behaviour policy consistently
- Modelling positive behaviour
- Hold high expectations for all pupils
- Providing a personalised approach to the specific behavioural needs of particular pupils
- Encourage pupils to promote the aims and values of their school in their daily lives and in the local community
- Encourage regular communication between school and home
- Record behaviour incidents
- Support their child in adhering to the expectations
- Ensure that their child comes to school regularly, on time, with the appropriate equipment
- Inform the school of any changes in circumstances that may affect their child’s behaviour
- Discuss any behavioural concerns with the class teacher or tutor promptly
- Respect, support and care for each other, both in school and the wider community
- Listen to others and respect their opinions, showing empathy and understanding
- Attend school regularly, on time, ready and equipped to learn and take part in school activities
- Take responsibility for their own actions and behaviour and fully understand the consequences of poor behaviour on their own and others’ learning experiences
- Do as instructed by all members of staff (teaching and non-teaching) throughout the school day
- Be accepting of others, irrespective of any difference; for example: race, gender, sexual orientation, religion or age
- Treat the school buildings and school property with respect
- Wear the correct uniform at all times and be properly equipped for school
These expectations cover all aspects of school life including journeys to and from school, as well as break times.
As well as these expectations, all students should be aware of the following school rules;
- Mobile Phones – While we know that mobile phones are important for pupil safety travelling to and from school, they should not be used during the school day. Mobile phones should be turned off and in student’s pockets or bags, throughout the entirety of the school day including break-times. If mobiles are seen, they will be confiscated immediately.
- Headphones – These must not be seen in school. If these are seen, they will be confiscated immediately.
- Uniform – School uniform must be adhered to and worn at all times. Eyelashes must be natural and false nails are not allowed. Jewellery should not be worn (with the exception of a single stud in each lower ear lobe). All students should also have appropriate footwear.
- Equipment – Each student must have the required equipment for each lesson, including maths equipment.
- Attendance – Attendance is expected to be as close to 100% as students can. Students must also not be late to school or lessons.
- Hands-Off – The school has a hands-off policy, and any form of fighting or physical violence will not be tolerated.