Key Stage Three
At Key Stage 3, our aim is to build on students’ achievements in Year 6 to develop the breadth and depth of their knowledge, understanding and skills. Students will be introduced to a wide range of subjects, developing skills they will need for lifelong learning, and enabling them to become more independent and self-aware.
In particular, the curriculum will primarily focus on ensuring that students have essential learning skills, are given opportunities to be creative and resourceful and are encouraged to have enquiring minds and think for themselves to process information, reason, question and evaluation. This will provide the foundation for Key Stage 4 and beyond.
The below list outlines the subjects taught over a fortnightly timetable at KS3.
Ad | Art & Design |
Ar | Accelerated Reader |
Ca | Catering / Food and Nutrition |
Cc | Creative Curriculum |
Cs | Computer Science |
Dr | Drama |
En | English |
Gg | Geography |
Hi | History |
Ma | Mathematics |
MfL | French |
Mu | Music |
Pe | Physical Education |
Ps | PSHE |
Re | Religious Education |
Sc | Science |
Te | Technology |
Key Stage Four
Our Key Stage 4 curriculum facilitates the growth of powerful knowledge necessary for our students to succeed in their next steps in life; be that in further study, training or employment. Our students have access to a wide curriculum, whereby all students are able to make informed choices from a broad range of options and courses.
Ad | Art & Design |
Bs | Business Studies |
Cs | Computer Science |
Dt | Design & Technology |
En | English Literature & Language |
MfL | French |
Gg | Geography |
Hs | Health & Social Care (BTEC) |
Hi | History |
Hc | Hospitality & Catering (Vocational) |
Ma | Maths |
Ms | Media Studies |
Mu | Music |
Ph | Philosophy & Ethics |
Pe | Physical Education |
Sc | Science |
So | Sociology |