Orsett Heath Academy

Admissions and Appeals – Orsett Heath

Information for Year 6 students starting Secondary School in September 2024

  • Wednesday 4th October 2023OPEN EVENING for Year 6 students who are considering applying for a place for starting September 2024
  • Monday 9th October 2023SPORTS APTITUDE application closing date. More information can be found below and in the Thurrock Admissions Information booklet.
  • Tuesday 17th October 2023SPORTS APTITUDE testing commences. Appointments for some time during this week will be sent to all applicants.
  • Friday 23rd October 2023SPORTS APTITUDE results are posted by 1st class post to home address of applicant
  • Tuesday 31st October 2023CLOSING DATE for school applications via Thurrock Council
  • Friday 1st March 2024OFFER DAY for September 2024 secondary school places
  • Monday 4th March 2024APPEALS can be lodged if you are dissatisfied with the school your child has been allocated.

Admission Policy and Process

All parents who wish their children to attend our school must apply to Thurrock Council’s Admissions Department early in the year (a date is published) preceding the Academic Year that the child is due to be admitted into school. The Local Authority encourage applications to be made on the Thurrock Council Website: https://www.thurrock.gov.uk/primary-school-admissions/applying-for-secondary-school-place.

Admissions during an academic year are called In-year admissions.  Applications forms and further details about in-year admission should be made directly to the local authority here: https://www.thurrock.gov.uk/in-year-admissions/applying-in-year

Admissions to our school are in line with Thurrock Admission arrangements as set out in our admissions policy.

Please note: Orsett Heath Academy have increased their PAN to 240 for the academic year 2024-25

Sports Aptitude Admission 2024

The school admits up to 24 students (10%) each year on sports aptitude. If you wish to apply via this route please note any closing dates for applications.  You MUST complete both the Local Authority application form AND the school application form

The form can be found HERE


Should you not be successful in securing a place at Orsett Heath Academy for your child(ren), you have the right of appeal to an Independent Appeals Panel. For further details regarding the appeals process, or to request an Appeal Pack, please contact, Mrs Oxland after the 1st March 2024 (for September 2024 admissions only) in year appeals can be made at any time. Appeals forms can be obtained by emailing: oxlandl@wes.swecet.org or by telephoning 01375 486 000. Alternatively you may wish to download an appeal form by clicking the link below.

An appeal form can be downloaded here. Click HERE

School Admission Appeals Guide

Timeline for school appeals for September 2024 intake:

Appeals can begin to be submitted Monday 4th March 2024
Deadline for appeals to be submitted (for those to be heard in June 2024) Friday 10th May 2024
Deadline for additional evidence to be submitted Friday 17th May 2024
Parents to be informed of their appeal date By Monday 9th June 2024
Appeals will be heard Monday 24th – Wednesday 26th June 2024

2023 Intake

Orsett Heath Academy (OHA) will not be taking a year 7 intake for September 2023.

This ‘gap year’ will apply to September 2023 cohort only. The school expects to accept a full cohort (240) for September 2024.

It has become clear over the summer that whilst work at the main OHA school site is underway, the main school is unlikely to be fully ready for September 2023. There is not capacity to accept a new year 7 intake for 2023 at the interim site, even for a short period of time.

The delays with main site are beyond the control of SWECET or the Local Authority and whilst disappointing, the priority must be to ensure the excellent educational provision in place for current pupils is not compromised.


Admissions Policies

OHA Admission Policy 2024-25

OHA Oversubscription Criteria 2024

OHA Oversubscription Criteria 2023 (in-year admissions only)

School Admissions: Thurrock Council

Admissions Policies

The admissions consultation for admissions in 2025 ran from 9 November to 21 December 2023 and has now closed.

There were no proposed changes to the current admissions arrangements and no comments or suggestions were received in response to the consultation.

The trustees agreed to proceed with the admissions arrangements presented in the consultation, in line with the current arrangements.

The final determined admissions arrangements will be published on the school’s website, in line with the Admissions Code requirement.

Click HERE for details of the Admissions Consultation for admissions in 2025

South West Essex Community Education Trust

A multi-academy trust passionate about providing the best start in life for our pupils. We are united in the belief that every young person needs and deserves an education that will maximise their future life chances. We place our pupils' needs at the heart of everything we do and support our colleagues in delivering high quality education.

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