Orsett Heath Academy


The core aim of homework at Orsett Heath Academy is to embed and extend work covered in class or prepare for new learning activities.

What is our rationale behind our homework policy?

  • To develop research and presentation skills.
  • To allow an opportunity for independent work and take responsibility for learning.
  • To enhance study skills e.g. planning, time management and self-discipline.
  • To promote personal and independent research and learning.

How much homework will students receive?

Pupils’ homework will be set three times per subject during the course of a half term. The tasks will be as follows:

Retrieval Practice Quiz 1 – The first homework at the beginning of each half term will be a short quiz set on Google Classroom. This will be based primarily on the students’ prior learning in the subject and some questions regarding the upcoming content of that half term. This quiz will offer immediate feedback to our pupils and will therefore be a useful tool in allowing students to understand and focus on misconceptions. Pupils will have a week to complete this homework.

Mid Term Activity – A creative style homework will be set, focusing on the students completing non-traditional homework activities. This work will be set on Google Classroom and feedback will be given regarding effort and attainment. Our pupils will have at least two to three weeks to complete this creative style piece. Work will also be undertaken with pupils in Tutor Time to support them with gaining the skills of managing their time for this homework independently and effectively.

Retrieval Practice Quiz 2 – In the last two weeks of half term, another short quiz will be set via Google Classroom. The quiz will focus primarily upon the class content they have covered in each subject that half term. It will also revisit questions from their previous quizzes to show progress and any areas of misconception for staff to revisit within lessons. Pupils will have a week to complete this homework.

There will be some exceptions to this process, as outlined below:

  • The Maths department will continue to set shorter weekly homework.
  • RE – The RE department will set these three pieces of homework over the course of a term, rather than half-termly.
  • The creative piece for Art and Drama will be on an alternated rota half-termly.

What feedback will parents/carers receive about homework?

  • Homework will be marked and assessed. Feedback will be provided to the students after each piece of work.
  • High quality homework and a good work ethos will also be praised in class.
  • Non-completion of homework will be sanctioned in line with the school’s Behaviour policy.

What support will be provided for homework?

  • All homework will be set on Google Classroom, with due dates clear for students and parents/carers to see.
  • Homework Club will run after school on a Wednesday for any student to attend if they wish to access more support with their homework.
  • Homework should be appropriately differentiated for the students’ ability and circumstances.
  • Training with students around time management and other study skills will be completed in PSHE lessons in Autumn 1. This will also be placed on Google Classroom for students to refer back to.
  • An OHA Weekly Planner has been created which students can use to plan their time effectively during the week to keep on top of homework and other commitments. Work will be completed on how to effectively use this timetable in tutor time sessions.

OHA Weekly Planner

South West Essex Community Education Trust

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