Our vision:
The overarching aim for English at Orsett Heath Academy is to promote high standards of language and literacy by equipping pupils with a strong command of the spoken and written word. We also aim to develop their love of literature through widespread reading for enjoyment.
We strive to ensure the sustained development of key skills and knowledge from Key Stage Two. Our aim is that all pupils will be supported in their journey to reading easily, fluently and with good understanding, developing the habit of reading widely and often, for both pleasure and information. This will also enable pupils to acquire a wide vocabulary and an understanding of grammar and knowledge of linguistic conventions for reading, writing and spoken language. Through high quality teaching, all pupils will be encouraged to develop the practice of writing clearly, accurately and coherently, adapting their language and style for a range of contexts, purposes and audiences.
It is vital to our department that we study a broad range of texts and writers that allow our pupils to appreciate our rich and varied literary heritage, ranging from 16th to 21st Century texts, using skills of discussion in order to learn. They should be able to elaborate and clearly explain their understanding and ideas. Pupils should also be competent in the arts of speaking and listening, making formal presentations, demonstrating to others and participating in debate.
Key Objectives:
By the end of their time at Orsett Heath Academy, pupils will be expected to have consolidated and embedded the following skills and knowledge in English:
- to understand the links between meaning and social, historical and cultural context of a text;
- to demonstrate clear understanding of plot, character and links to themes;
- to explore and analyse writers’ use of language for effect, referring to relevant quotes and subject terminology;
- to evaluate non-fiction texts and give a personal and critical response;
- to write with sophisticated control of audience, form and purpose;
- to write with command of spelling, punctuation and grammar;
- to write for a variety of purposes including persuade, advise, inform, suggest and compare;
- to speak confidently, building on others’ ideas and challenging during discussion for debate.
As a department, we believe that English is important to a student’s programme of study for a number of reasons:
- English has the ability to motivate learners to become analytical thinkers. Our goal is to help students learn how to think, not what to think, and engaging in literary analysis provides a set of skills that are transferable to innumerable contexts within their education here and beyond. This allows students to reach their full potential.
- It is cross-curricular in nature so allows pupils to link learning and develops their cultural capital by encouraging respect of the beliefs of others. Pupils can develop understanding and empathy to help understand the world around them.
- English encourages our pupils to gain self-confidence and further their imagination, to foster social and cognitive development. This is further fostered through a range of trips, visits and workshops scheduled throughout the Curriculum.
Exam Board (Part of WJEC) – Eduqas
Names and email addresses of key post-holders:
Mrs O’Kill Curriculum Leader – mcgranes@oha.swecet.org
Miss Darbey KS4 Lead – darbeyh@oha.swecet.org
Mrs Pilley English Teacher – pilleyj@oha.swecet.org
Mrs Davies English Teacher – daviesa@oha.swecet.org
Ms Graves English Teacher - gravesa@oha.swecet.org
Ms Heath-Far English Teacher - heath-farra@oha.swecet.org
Ms Westacott English Teacher - westacottj@oha.swecet.org