Orsett Heath Academy


Our vision:

The Music Department at Orsett Heath Academy aims to provide learners with the skills to develop their confidence, leadership, communication, time management, organisation, creativity and self-discipline. We believe all of these traits are key in helping to shape our students into emotionally intelligent, well-rounded individuals who are confident to explore and question the world around them.  

We aim to build these qualities in our learners through engaging and creative practical and theory based lessons that encourage learners to take risks and seize opportunities. The study of music enables students to have the knowledge and understanding to become lifelong musicians. Students will learn how to create, perform and analyse various styles of music within their music lessons. We want students to be able to identify and understand various styles of music and their relation to important social and cultural traditions and issues. Similarly, we wish for pupils to be able to identify how music has evolved throughout history and how various genres of music (and their specific characteristics) are connected. Students will develop performance skills through both solo and ensemble performances. Ensemble skills will improve their ability to work within a group/team. Students will also understand how to prepare expressive, fluent and accurate performances, using various instruments. Through regular listening and appraising activities and performing opportunities, students will be exposed to a wide-range of music. All of these skills are important in helping our students become well-rounded musicians and helping prepare students who wish to continue studying music.  

Our schemes of work use looping to build on basic skills, focusing primarily on performing various styles of music with instruments. Composing and appraising skills are embedded within each scheme of work and developed over various topics. Key Stage 3 topics are sequenced to build on performing, composing and appraising skills, which are already developed. Basic composing and performing skills are embedded within the Key Stage 3 curriculum, which introduces the key skills needed for GCSE. Students are assessed on their performing and composing skills through practical assessments and live feedback. Assessment is ongoing and feedback is constant. The nature of performance is that it exists within the moment so verbal feedback is key for development. This is vital in shaping our learners to reflect on their creative choices and understand the artistic intentions of others. 

Within the department, each learner is given a booklet composed of key information and knowledge organisers to encourage independent learning and revision, key vocabulary and peer and self-assessment, alongside all feedback for assessments. 

The Music department aims to broaden pupils’ cultural capital with opportunities to watch concerts and shows, participate in various extra-curricular clubs and participate in workshops, as well as perform to peers and those in the community by working closely with the Royal Opera House and other schools in the SWECET trust. Cross-curricular learning is prevalent, particularly with subjects such as English, PSHE, History and Creative Curriculum, in order for pupils to deepen their understanding and question the world around them. 

We are very proud of our department here at Orsett Heath Academy and believe that all of our learners are given every opportunity to succeed, thrive and ultimately enjoy their lessons. Mutual respect is at the heart of everything we do and students are able to experiment and express themselves in a positive learning environment where everyone is supported, listened to and appreciated. 

Key Objectives:

By the end of their time at Orsett Heath Academy, pupils will be expected to have consolidated and embedded the following skills and knowledge in Music:

  • Play and perform confidently in a range of solo and ensemble contexts using their voice or playing instruments musically, fluently and with accuracy and expression. 
  • Improvise, compose and develop musical ideas by drawing on a range of musical structures, styles, genres and traditions. 
  • Use staff and other relevant notations appropriately and accurately in a range of musical styles, genres and traditions. 
  • Identify and use the inter-related dimensions of music expressively and with increasing sophistication, including use of tonalities, different types of scales and other musical devices. 
  • Listen with increasing discrimination to a wide range of music from great composers and musicians. 
  • Develop a deepening understanding of the music that they perform and to which they listen, and its history. 

As a department, we believe that Music is important to a student’s programme of study for a number of reasons:

  • Students studying music will learn a lifelong skill that can be developed and strengthened either through more formal music education or as a hobby. 
  • Music as an academic subject provides a unique set of skills, which are acknowledged to be excellent preparation for a range of disciplines, careers and vocations.  
  • Music combines Arts, Humanities, Maths, Science, Sociology and Technology. It teaches research skills and guides students in the application of evidence to a range of contemporary situations.  
  • Music is recognised by both educational institutes and employers because of the invaluable skills that it teaches you, such as teamwork, self-discipline, commitment, perseverance and confidence to name a few.  

Learning Journey

KS3 Programme of Study

KS4 Programme of Study

Music Development Plan

Exam Board (Part of WJEC) –


Names and email addresses of key post-holders:

 Mr Baldry                   Curriculum Leader – baldryc@oha.swecet.org 


South West Essex Community Education Trust

A multi-academy trust passionate about providing the best start in life for our pupils. We are united in the belief that every young person needs and deserves an education that will maximise their future life chances. We place our pupils' needs at the heart of everything we do and support our colleagues in delivering high quality education.

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